═══ 1. Introduction ═══ Using the Selective Installation Utility you can choose to install an entire package or only those features of a package that you find necessary. You can choose the target drive and directory where the selected features are to be installed and the program would create the directory if it does not exist. The program also checks whether there is enough space in the target drive to install the features you have selected and it creates the OS/2 desktop folders and icons for the programs installed automatically. ═══ 2. How to Start the Utility ═══ 1. Open and OS/2 Window 2. Insert the first diskette of your package in the drive. 3. Change to the drive where you have inserted the first installation diskette. For example if the installation disk is in drive A: change the command prompt to [A:\]. 4. Type INSTALL and press Enter to start the Selective Installation Utility. 5. The Main Installation Window appears. See Also Main Installation Window ═══ 3. Main Installation Window ═══ The main installation window displays information about the package that you are going to install. The Available features: listbox displays a list of the different optional features in the package that you can choose to install. The target drive and directory where the programs would be installed are displayed in the Target Path text box. You can use the Browse... button to browse through the drives in your system and choose the target path. The available space in the target drive entered in Target Path and the minimum space required to install the selected features are shown below the Target Path entryfield. See Also How to Install Browsing Directories ═══ 4. How to Install ═══ 1. Select the features that you want to install from the Available features: listbox. 2. Type in the target drive and directory where you want the files to be installed. A drive and directory would be displayed by default and you need to change this only if necessary. The full path name with drive letter followed by the colon and the directory name has to be specified. Use the Browse... button to select an existing directory from the Browse Directory dialog box. 3. When you have chosen the features you want to install select the Install button to begin installation. 4. If you have specified the target drive and directory correctly, the installation utility would start copying the necessary files and the Installation Status Window would appear. See Also Instalation Status Window Browsing Directories ═══ 5. Installation Status Window ═══ The Installation Status Window displays an indicator that shows the percentage of the whole operation completed. At the top of the indicator the name of the file being currently copied is also displayed. You can choose to the either pause the copying process or cancel it altogether. If you pause the process, you can continue again if you want to. Once the installation program has copied all the files to the target directory it would create the desktop Workplace objects for the programs installed. After all the files have been copied and the folder and program icon have been created, the installation program might update the system configuration files like CONFIG.SYS. This depends on the installation package. If the package includes features that require the system configuration files to be updated, then you would be displayed with a message and the program would update the necessary files. Before the original system files are updated, they are copied to a backup file and you would get an appropriate message. ═══ 6. Browsing Directories ═══ If you want to install the package in one of the existing directories in your hard disk, you can select the directory using the Browse Directory dialog box. The Browse Directory dialog box shows the current selected target path for installation in the Path: field. The Drive: combination box shows all the available drives and the Directory: list box shows all the existing directories in the selected drive. To select a directory, double click on the directory name in the list box. As you select directories, the Path: entryfield is updated accordingly. Choose OK when you are finished. The path name in Path: field would appear in the Target Path: field in the Main Installation Window.